React Demo Apps

I just wrapped up six months of hard work authoring my new Pluralsight course “Building Applications with React and Flux“. During that time I dissected over 30 open source projects in an effort to establish common patterns and best practices when working with React and Flux.

Here’s the open source projects I found most useful.

4 replies on “React Demo Apps”

  1. Great work Adam! I have done nearly the exact same changes on my end. If I had it to do over again I’d have leaned on npm scripts and webpack as well. I stopped using Gulp and Browserify shortly after recording the course. I’ve kept it to myself since I’m waiting for a logical time to update the course.

    I admire the simplicity of just using npm scripts. Removing Gulp’s abstraction makes things cleaner to my eyes. Always moving forward! 🙂

    Thanks for the feedback!

  2. I too took this course and thought it was amazing. Are there any plans on updating it to use the newest versions of react and react router? I am trying to convert it over but running into problems with the soft redirect after save since transitionTo has been removed 🙁

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